Resolve the problem “Why is my Brother Printer Offline”? Printer displays offline message on computer becuase of error between computer and printer. Change the Hardwares and Update the Printer Softwares for connectivity with PC. Spooler error in printer turn it offline. Set the printer as Default printer and update the printer drivers.

“Use Printer Offline” Uncheck the Box in printer setting

Change the Brother printer status from offline to online. Restart the computer and printer and wait for internet connectivity. Make sure both gadgets connected to the internet. Open the start Menu and type Control Panel in the search box. Next, click on the “Devices and Printers”. Scroll-down to the printers list and right-click on your brother printer model and “See What’s Printing”. Further, agagin right-click on the printer and select “Use Printer Offline”.

Printer is Paused “Spooler” error

What to do when brother printer offline in windows 10 issues occurs becuase of spooler stopped working. To fix offline, Go to the start Menu on the computer and type “services.MSc” in the rub box and search folder. Service window open on
computer, and go to the “Printer Spooler”. if spooler status is not working then right-click on the “Printer Spooler” and select “Start”. Next restart the service and close the windows.

Fix Brother printer offline and set printer as Default printer

Printer keeps going offline if printer is not set as default printer in computer setting. Go to the Start Button and open the search dialog box and type “control panel”. Next, control panel<Hardware and Sound<Devices and Printers. Move-down to the printer section right-click on local brother printer model and “Set as Default Printer”.

Update the Brother printer drivers and fix the offline problem

Software is outdated and Brother printer is not printing. Re-install the brother printer drivers as per computer operating version. Open the control panel on computer and click on the Programs to uninstall outdated softwares.
Open the folder and right-click on printer driver and click uninstall it. Now reboot the computer and connect with the internet. Go to the official website of the brother printer and downloads the drivers. Install the drivers on computer and reboot agagin the windows to complete the process.